Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Great Plastic Take Over

Quite a while ago I decided to make a concerted effort to eliminate as much plastic as I possibly could from my life. Boy, was I ever out of luck. Sure, there were some items I could eliminate. I NEVER use plastic bags from stores anymore. I'll carry items out in my arms and load them in the car loose before I'll accept one of those. I do my best to carry my own carry out containers to restaurants. I select items based on packaging as much as I possibly can BUT~food?

My box of crackers has a plastic bag inside. My frozen vegetables come in a plastic bag (no farmers markets in NE Ohio this time of year), my husband's milk-plastic jug (Do you know to cut the ring around the cap so animals' heads don't get caught?) Whole wheat noodles? Plastic bag. Cereal? Cardboard box with plastic inside. I get sick when I throw away plastic. I try to select items packaged in boxes as much as possible but our recycling doesn't accept cardboard designed for the fridge or freezer.

Take a look at this:

I'll continue to search and search for alternatives. Clearly, plastic has overtaken our shopping packaging. I've written to many companies requesting alternative packaging but unless more people than I are writing, I'm not optomistic.

Next time you have a moment, select one item, JUST ONE, that could be packaged without plastic. Send a comment via email (it can be easier that way). Send them this link and hope they care. We know they care about our business.

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